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Sébastien Meier

Even in the most utopian country, radicalism and extremism are never far way.

In the kingdom of Bohemia, everything seems idyllic: unconditional basic income, gender equality, ecology at the highest level, land of
immigrants. But a political jolt is looming since Elias Neuman, journalist by day, disguised in La-Garçonne by night, has unveiled a political and financial scandal that leads to the overthrow of the government.
At the same time, two bodies are found miles apart: Ludivine Berger, a historian specialized in post-WWIII and Javier Martinez, one of her
colleagues. Two police officers are in charge of the cases: Elodie Fasel for Ludivine and Eugene Young for Javier, they will be helped by Elias, who knows Ludivine since he was a child.
They discover that Ludivine was investigating the neo-Nazi group Sainte Bohème, which has ramifications throughout the country, including
through a political party, the Alternative Bohemian Front.
The investigation leads them to the track of Emmanuel Labarière, a colleague of Ludivine who belongs to Sainte-Bohème...
What does the future hold for Bohemia?

- Radicalism, political corruption, financial scandals... the novel is very current and engaged.
- The Kingdom of Bohemia is completely made up but affected with contemporary plagues.

Sébastien Meier was born in Switzerland. He is the author of four noir novels.

Number of pages : 304

Publication : 12/04/2018

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