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Viktor Vincent

“There is nothing more elusive than the obvious.”

Alexander Kreskine is one of the greatest illusionists in the world. His shows are so incredibly mastered that you could think he is a true magician. Or... the devil, as some might think.
While on tour in Paris, Alexander meets Sam, a young man who is obsessed with the art of illusion. Alexander recognizes himself in him and becomes his mentor. Sam seizes this opportunity and works hard to penetrate Alexander's secrets. But Alexander Kreskine hides a poisonous and unstable personality. Their relationship quickly becomes toxic, to the point of transforming admiration into a will to destroy. A dangerous game, mixing illusions and reality...

A dive into the world of illusion, and at the heart of the toxic relationship between a master and his student.

A psychological thriller with an atmosphere between illusion and appearance, between madness and secret.

Viktor Vincent is an illusionist, who, obviously, likes to play with appearances. In 2015, he received the Golden Mandrake, the equivalent of an Oscar for magicians. He is currently on tour in France, Belgium and Switzerland.

Number of pages : 224

Publication : 10/02/2022

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