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White Country

Marjorie Tixier

Two sisters, two hearts, one soul.

1926, Nowa Wies. Helena never imagined leaving Poland, the white country she loves so much, and her twin sister Broni, who is like her second soul. Yet one morning, in order to save Broni and the illegitimate child she has given birth to, Helena sets off on an exile. Her sister's baby is only hours old. They take refuge in France, with Helena's silence as a guarantee for their survival. Or so she thinks.
2022, Paris. Thomas has never been able to talk to his mother about Poland. She, who changed her first name from Dorota to Dorothée, has broken all ties with her country of origin. Until one day, the questions become too many and too pressing for her son. He feels he must «return» to Poland, pick up where the story left off.
An ambitious novel that traces back from the twentieth century to the present day, the intertwined destinies of four generations who echo each other around a single quest for freedom.

Born in 1977, Marjorie Tixier lives in Savoie. A professor of modern literature, she also writes poetry and draws her inspiration from music, painting and travel.

Number of pages : 384

Publication : 14/08/2024

Detailed synopsis in English available

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