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Little Moments That Make Up Life

Jean-Louis Festjens & Pierre Antilogus

Family has a bright future lying ahead!

Jean-Paul is an executive manager working in an international company. Marc is a clumsy publisher who has always a thousand projects going on. They have never met and have nothing in common... but their new-born grandson. So on this happy day, here they are, both of them, on their way to the maternity ward. This first meeting is the start of an unexpected relationship, full of tenderness and humour. Because we don't easily become a grandfather!

Jean-Louis Festjens is a writer and a publisher. Pierre Antilogus is a journalist and a scriptwriter. They have written a lot of practical and humoristic books together. Life is Made of Simple Things is their first collaboration for a novel.

Number of pages : 208

Publication : 01/10/20

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