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Sébastien Gendron

While Gabriel is hanging out with his new group of friends, the teenagers are shot one by one... except Gabriel.

It all starts with a group of teenage boys hanging out in the forest, until danger arises and takes them out one by one. However the killer seems to want to spare one of them: Gabriel. And so begins a frantic chase through the forest between the teenager and the killer. In the course of this pursuit, the reader will learn all the young man's secrets, discover the twists and turns of his past, how his band of friends came to be, and why we arrived at the drama that is now unfolding.

Sébastien Gendron is a film director, screenwriter and columnist, and the author of a dozen noir novels and award-winning children's books.

Number of pages : 199

Publication : 18/01/2024

Reader's report available

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