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Ilos Vol.1

Marion Brunet

Discover the hidden wonders of the Mediterranean city.

Marseille, 2052. Rising waters due to climate change have engulfed most of the city. But not all its resources are lost. It is common practice for some to go diving inside the sunken buildings, looking for anything that might be valuable. Among them, Nolane and her brother Gal, who is considered to be one of the best divers. So much so that the Commodore, a powerful and ominous character, has heard of him and demands that he retrieves a mysterious object from the depths of the sea. Nolane, realizing that her brother is not coming up to the surface, vows to avenge him. Her quest will take her to meet other teenagers, with whom she will rescue a group of refugees. She will also learn more about her mighty enemy and the precious object he desperately wants...

Passionate about literature, Marion Brunet studied literature before becoming a specialized educator in a day hospital for teenagers. Winner of some thirty literary prizes, including the 2018 Grand Prix de Littérature Policière and the Montreuil Book Fair Pépite d'or, Marion Brunet is the author of about ten novels.

Number of pages : 240

Publication : 07/03/2024

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