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Taking Life As It Comes

Carène Ponte

What if life happened differently?

Alice was barely 19 when she met Aymeric. She thought he was cute and he made her laugh. She put aside her dream to become a professional skater and settled down with him. Their relationship evolved and survived unfortunate events.
Twenty years later, Alice wakes up, looks herself up in the mirror and finds herself... ordinary, living a life so common. She tells herself that she must do something about it. Alas, fate will take care of it for her. Aymeric had a terrible accident and is now in a coma. Then... Three paths, three possibilities, three stories.
Three Alices to reinvent, so that life always comes out a winner.

Carène Ponte has won over 300,000 readers with her light-hearted and humorous stories. In each book, she imagines universal moving characters with her modern, joyful and rhythmic style.

Number of pages : 288

Publication : 06/04/2023

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