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On stage

Carène Ponte

Fulfilling your dreams no matter what.

Ginger has always been a fighter in life. Starting from nothing, she opened her own restaurant and has been running it for ten years. When cancer came along, she never once thought of shutting it down. But that morning, when the doctor announces a relapse, Ginger takes it pretty hard. Her best friend Lola takes her to a party to make her forget about it for the night. When she comes back home, Ginger finds a video made by her mother of her fifteen-year-old self singing in a musical. Her dream was to sing on a stage in Broadway. She goes to bed, but she is unable to sleep. She doesn't know it yet, but she has made up her mind. To hell with treatments and doctors, she wants to make the most of the time she has left. She is going to New York with Lola. And she will sing in a Broadway theatre.

Carène Ponte has won over 400,000 readers with her optimistic and humorous stories - even when the subjects she tackles are difficult. Her universal characters speak to each and every one of us, and are carried by a modern, light-hearted style, that made her earn public recognition and a popular success that continues to grow, book after book.

Number of pages : 240

Publication : 04/04/2024

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